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What to Do if You Are Hurt in a Hit & Run Accident in Maryland

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Have You Been Involved in a Hit & Run Accident?

Did a car hit you and then take off before you even knew what was going on? Maybe you are sitting in your damaged vehicle right now, looking up what exactly you should do if you are involved in a hit-and-run.

It is important that you first understand what a hit-and-run accident fully entails.

The “hit” part of hit and run is the easy part. Has someone else collided with your vehicle with their own vehicle? The accident does not have to be severe. It does not have to result in an injury. You don’t even have to be in your vehicle. If another vehicle has collided with yours, then you have the “hit” part of a hit and run.

The important part is figuring out the “run” part of things. If the other person leaves the scene of the accident, then they have committed a hit-and-run. Keep in mind that if the other person involved in your accident simply decided to move their vehicle to a safer location, perhaps not to impede the flow of traffic, then they have not left the scene of the crime.

What Should You Do if Someone Flees After an Accident?

The first thing to remember when you are involved in any accident, whether it is a hit and run or otherwise, is to remain calm. There is a lot you will want to remember if you are involved in an accident, and panicking can cloud the mind, making it harder to do what is necessary to protect and ensure your and your passengers’ safety.

In any accident, one of the first things you should do is be aware of your surroundings while attempting to remember as many details as possible. Again, this can take some work to do. You may feel panicked, but try to remember the following: make, model, and color. Even if the other driver does not appear to be leaving the scene of the accident, these details will be important anyway. It is ideal to remember a license plate number; however, that is only sometimes possible.

If the driver of the other vehicle flees the scene, there is very little you can actually do. Do NOT attempt to follow the other driver. You do not want to risk injury or breaking the law yourself by recklessly pursuing someone.

You should treat this like any other accident, even if the other driver flees. After assessing your and your passenger’s injuries, you can exit the vehicle if it is safe to do so. If injuries are minimal or non-life threatening, then you can call the non-emergency line and request an officer and medical.

If you are in a position where you can safely assess the damage to your vehicle, do so now. Take pictures of any damage to your vehicle and any injuries to your persons and passengers. Take pictures of the scene of the accident. Take pictures of your surroundings, taking note of any street-facing businesses. These businesses may have surveillance cameras that could have caught your accident.

If any bystanders may have witnessed the accident, speak with them. Ask if they would be comfortable giving their contact information and if they would be willing to provide a statement on what they witnessed.

When the first responders arrive, be prepared to give them your identification, vehicle insurance, and registration. If you have gathered the contact information of any possible witnesses, offer this to them as well. Give as thorough a description of the other vehicle as possible.

Your next call should be to your insurance provider. Explain to them the circumstances of the accident. Inform them that the other party fled the scene after the accident. If they ask for the description of the other vehicle, be sure to give them a thorough description of the vehicle as well as a solid recollection of the accidents and the events leading up to and immediately following the collision, including how the other person fled.

Immediately after speaking with your insurance, you should speak with your attorney. A personal injury lawyer will be able to help you get the justice you deserve following the violation, which is a hit-and-run accident.

It is important to get a medical evaluation as soon as possible after the accident, whether this is done by first responders giving you an on-site assessment or visiting a clinic as early as possible.

Be sure to save all of your documentation. From the initial interactions with first responders, your own photos, the testimony of any other witnesses or passengers, your medical evaluation, and your conversations with your insurance provider. Save everything! All of this documentation will be vital should you decide to pursue legal action.

Do You Actually Need a Lawyer?

Sure, you could navigate such a precarious situation yourself. But wouldn’t you rather have a compassionate personal injury lawyer on your side who is well-versed with hit-and-run accidents?

An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to help you figure out what to do following your accident. They will help you deal with stubborn insurance companies and questioning authorities and help you get back to where you were before this accident.

Call the office of Tehrani Law, LLC. at 301-973-6510 to speak with a compassionate, experienced personal injury lawyer. Tehrani Law, LLC is experienced with hit-and-run accidents, auto accidents that result in severe injuries, and most other cases involving car accidents.

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